Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Make a Bedroom Better for Rest

Getting a good night sleep can be harder than it seems if your bedroon isn't designed with the rest in mind. So what can you do to bring on the zzz's?

Choose Neutrals

Neutral colors in medium values are your best choice for creating a room that helps lull you to sleep. If you usually lean more towards bold colors, use your living areas to showcase the brightest hues and choose toned down versions of your favorites for accents in the bedroom.

Right Scale Furniture

Common problem that designers often correct is bedroom furniture that doesn't fit the space's size. Unless your bedroom is huge, over-scaled furniture is a mistake. If your ceilings are only eight feet high, for instance, opt for a low headboard instead of a four-poster that reaches

for the rafters (and dwarfs the room).

Too small funishings can be a problem as well getting lost in a large space and falling short on functionality. Before buying furniture, make a simple, so-scale sketch of your bedroom as well as paper cutouts of the furnishings you're considering. That way, you can be sure ahead of

time that everything fits and that the scale of various pieces complements eachother.


For smaller bedrooms, use only the furniture you absolutely need: A bed, nightstands, maybe a cozy chair and a small side table. Put your dresser in the closet so it doesn't take up valuable space in the beroom. When placing furniture, make sure to leave at least three feet between the bed and low furniture like tables and dressers.